Jobs in Golden Triangle Tourism

Service sector in India pays a pivotal role in the economy and employment. Tourism is a major segment of service sector. After successful curve of corona pandemic in India it is considered there is going to be a boon in Jobs in Golden Triangle Tourism. As it is widely thought that this pandemic will soon become an endemic and tourists would flood. It has been a long time while people are sitting idle and they would take vengeance. Thus revenge tourism world create much footfall in Golden Triangle sector.

Jobs in Tour Agencies

For almost 2 years on account of travel bans and the suspension of regular international flights, thousand of vendors had to look their jobs. These persons were working either as sales staff or offering ground services or technical or finance services. As the industry on ventilator is looking for it is revival. It is going to be a big surge in the tourism jobs.

Tour Guide in Golden Triangle

Tour guides of Delhi Agra & Jaipur used to get plenty of assignments for conducting sightseeing before industry was hit by corona tour guides were able to earn their livelihood. During the course of 2 years the thousands of tour guides became jobless. Now with the improvement in situation lots of job opportunities are waiving at tour guides.

Transport Jobs in Golden Triangle

Transport sector of Golden Triangle Tour and India as a whole had a deep set back. Millions of driver had to look the jobs during the lock down and were hit by the after months. Many of these drivers who were the owners of vehicles could not afford to pay the installments of their vehicle and had to forsake the vehicles. In the emerging scenario such drivers who were either the owners or working as Chauffeurs are expected to get a suitable job in the tourism sector again.

Hospitality Industry Jobs in Golden Triangle

Hospitality Industry looms large in Golden Triangle where thousands of hotels and restaurants find place. During the Corona period most of these hotels had to run with a small inventory and these millions of workers had to lose their jobs. Now in the present time the situation is expected to be favorable where the young workers can get plenty of job opportunities as the hotel staff such as housekeeping, front desk, sales, kitchen etc.