Taj Mahal Tour 2022 – A Complete Guide

Taj Mahal Tour 2022 – A Complete Guide

The iconic Taj Mahal lies in Dharmapuri forest colony near the celebrated Taj Ganj area and allures everyone with its beauty and artwork. The Tajmahal is an embodiment of relentless pursuit of an emperor for art and token of love for his paramour. This blog is a complete guide to Taj Mahal tour India and is envisaged to provide you complete and up to date information about the Taj Mahal Tour 2022.

Best Season to visit Taj Mahal

The most suitable season to plan for Taj Mahal Tour 2022 is from October to April while it remains very pleasant weather and thus you avoid the extremes of rain showers and scorching heat of May & June.

Best time to visit Taj Mahal Tour 2022

Often questions are asked about the best time to visit the Taj Mahal. Obviously, if you want to capture the Instagram worthy pictures of this most photogenic world wonder you can opt either sunrise or sunset tour of Taj Mahal. In case you want to avoid the crowd of sunrise Taj Mahal tour India, you can prefer to visit it after breakfast at 8.a.m.

Duration of Taj Mahal visit

Make sure before doing Taj Mahal tour India, presently there is a time limit of 3 hours and India with the induction of turn style gates as you enter the Taj Mahal time is counted from the entry gates. Thus you get plenty of time to explore make sure this ticket is valid for one-time entry.

Dress code for Taj Mahal

As such, there is no dress code. But keeping in mind the Indian tradition, you can wear the costume of your choice. You are provided with the overshoes thus you avoid the hassle of putting off the shoes and you can enter the cenotaph even with the shoes.

The ticket counter at Tajmahal

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Ticket Taj Mahal Tour 2022

Presently Agra Development authority proposed for the hike in Taj Mahal tickets. So far there is a step ticketing system and you are provided two tickets one costing 1100 INR for the foreigner and the other 200 INR to enter the main tomb.

The same system for the Indian citizens cost 50 INR for the first step and 200 INR for the main mausoleum. You can book the entry tickets of the Taj Mahal online or get it easily from the counters. You are provided with the plastic entry coins like Metro Delhi.

Taj Mahal Entry Rules

There used to be three gates beforehand namely – Eastern, Western and Southern Gates to enter the main premises. Out of these three South Gate remains closed for entry and the other two are operational at present. You can choose to go to the Taj Mahal by any of them. You have to pass thorough the security zone and after proper frisking, you enter the Forecourt area of the Taj Mahal.

Moon Light Visit of The Taj

If you do Agra tour and stay overnight, you can plan for such dates when you can visit the Taj Mahal in Night. As of now, this facility is available 4 or 5 nights in a month – two days later to full moon including the full moon.

For this night’s viewing, you have to take the support of local travel agents who can book the tickets for you prior to your visit with the department of Archaeological Survey of India. So far only 400 tickets are issued for a day and are given after proper filing of documents.

How can you reach Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal tour is possible from Delhi, Jaipur, Gwalior, Lucknow even in a day, if you spare one overnight it can be done from Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai or from any other metro by easily flying to Delhi.

Audio Guide and Live tour guide at Taj Mahal

At the Taj Mahal, you have both facilities either to have a live human guide or the machine guide. The major difference is that with the audio guide you find the set pattern commentary on certain points and it is unable to narrate to your queries while with the human guide you can quench the thirst of your queries. 

When Taj Mahal remains closed?

On each Friday in a week, the Taj Mahal remains closed to the tourist for the maintenance. Besides Fridays, it remains open all year-round.

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What is not allowed to carry inside the Taj Mahal?

You are allowed to go inside the Taj Mahal making sure do not have prohibited items with you such as – smoking items, eatables, cookies, alcohol, big bags, worship materials, etc.

flying a drone is not allowed near Tajmahal
Satellite phones not allowed around Tajmahal

Flying Drone is prohibited in Taj Mahal area

It is strongly prohibited to fly a drone in the surroundings of the Taj Mahal and use any satellite phone.

Commercial use Banned – You are not supposed to use the Taj Mahal area for any advertisement or publicity campaign, please do not carry any publicity banner or banner of any sort depicting religious symbols.

Golf cart Battery van service

Taj Mahal Parkings

You have the option of car and bus parking on both eastern and western Gates of the Taj Mahal. In these parking spaces, you have to leave your diesel and petrol car and you can either walk up to the Taj or can use the non-polluting battery van service.


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